girl behind the mask
*warrior princess*
libran/optimist/dreamer/health buff/believer
loves: spicy food, reading interesting books, badminton, kaldereta, pink, samurai x,anime,tv,movies, sucker for romantic stuff,
pasta, dark chocolate, fruit juices, cooking, decorating, art and craft, theater arts, people with no pretensions, windy days, nature
=)be blessed!
Be Still
bob kauflin
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Payat na kalbo o matabang may buhok?

These days, I haven't been updating my blog for a number of reasons. First, there is the usual medstudent katoxican. Second, I busied myself during my free time, relaxing, totally away from the computer. Third, (which is really the main reason): I have been having problems with my hair. Yes, I know,everybody has it....especially girls...worrying about dry hair, split ends, the usual. But mine's bigger and should cause you major alarm. For the past 3 months or so, I have been experiencing progressive loss of hair. At first, it was negligible, like the usual shedding of hair. I thought it was because of my shampoo, maybe it was too strong. But then, I changed several times, using the mildest and I lessened the frequency from everyday to every other day, to every 3 days, 4 days and now I'm thinking of just reducing it to 2x a week or once a week. I just use conditioner when I take a bath on days I don't use shampoo. Because I have come to a point that when I shampoo, I lose so much hair around 10-20 strands!!!! And after that, so much more when I comb my hair. I remember the movie scenes when the cancer victims undergoing chemo would lose so much hair...well, it's happening to me and I'm not even under chemo. hay... And right now, even when I stroke my hair or even doing nothing, some hair would fall... And if you compare the thickness before and now, I think it's been reduced to one half.
The sad part about this is that I think I know the reason for all of these. And it's definitely my fault. I've been battling my obesity (I was type II obese before), for the past months and I was doing great, reducing my weight from 150 lbs to 117lbs. The road was difficult and it took a lot of effort but right now, I think I am suffering from chronic malnutrition and the effect? hair loss.=(
My friend asked me this question: "payat na kalbo?" or "matabang may buhok?".
grrr....difficult, difficult.
And you know what i said? payat na kalbo. hahaha. But I hope I don't have to make a decision between those two. Seriously, when you have fought so much for so long something that is so difficult, it is really hard to make decisions. Today, I am going to a doctor for advice. I don't want to gain weight but I really want to stop my hair loss before I lose them all.
Sana, payat na may buhok. hehe=)
sarah =) â¥
10:07 AM
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